Unit 5: ideas and polishing themes

Over the summer I’ve just been solidifying my visual and conceptual developments through creating and creating and creating. You can check those out in the Summer 2023 portfolio page as well as my Insta which is linked up in the header.

Just fishes and birds as I try and manipulate my subjects to fit the narrative of a fantasy-esque story. I also begun experimenting with plaster to set up small casts to sample around with but those didn’t exactly work. Started molding which is apparently a common problem with plaster (who knew?) but now I’m going back to the drawing board with secured canvas and lime washes which should helm mimic the base of Rivera’s murals that I was studying last year for unit 3.

Unit 5 is the first unit for Year 2 and from the UAL book of units this is about [I’m quoting directly “Unit 5: Exploring context through practice You will extend the independent practice you established in Year 1. This will deepen your understanding and articulation of the ideas influencing your practice.”]. Reading into the basic briefs of this unit prior to any year wide lecture to highlight key parts of the project, I’m aware that there will be some mandatory components; this unit will definitely have a research file that I need to submit; annotated documentation and a 1000 word limit reflection of my process throughout unit 5; a manifesto, according to arthistoryproject.com [1], is a '“declaration of intent, usually the intent to bring radical change to the world”. I will reference the page below so you can access that as it has so many examples of the manifestos of prominent art movements in history like that of [the 1st DADA manifesto, Hugo Ball 1916] and [The Art of Noises, Luigi Russolo, 1913] as well as further reading links.

It seems like year 2 will be a more in-depth look at professional development and the more thematical aspects of an Artist’s practice. I’m looking forward to working with these limits. I’ll not write about the upcoming units for this year until the time comes to create work for those but I’m interested in seeing how my process changes in response to the educational manual of BA Fine Art: Painting.


[1] Enger, R. (no date) Art manifestos, Obelisk Art History. Available at: https://www.arthistoryproject.com/subjects/manifesto/ (Accessed: 01 October 2023).


Unit 5: Submitted!


Pilot post